Healing Testimony from RBTC Alumna

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In March Janna Palmer, a Rhema USA graduate, was on a spring break missions trip in Thailand participating in an outdoor crusade. An invitation was given for those who needed to receive healing.

It was a hot, humid day as a woman, dragging one of her legs, hobbled to the healing line. One side of her face was unresponsive.

She stood in front of Janna expecting to be healed. Janna, however, didn’t feel any special healing power or anointing, and the woman needed a miracle.

Janna silently prayed, β€œOkay, Lord, You can show up. You can do this.”

Reaching her hands out to the woman, Janna said, β€œJesus.” The Name that cures every sickness and disease cured that woman’s ailing body. She immediately started moving her face. A big smile appeared as she touched her face. She then began to wiggle and move her leg.

β€œI thought, β€˜Oh my goodness!’ ” shares Janna. β€œI didn’t feel anything. God simply honored His Word.”

The woman walked away healed.

Because our faithful Rhema Word Partners and friends are helping to train laborers, miracles like this are happening around the world. Rhema graduates are boldly speaking the Name of Jesus in impossible situations, and people are experiencing freedom.

β€œRhema Word Partners are partnering with people they don’t even know because they want the will of God to be doneβ€”not only in my life but also in the lives of other students,” shares Janna. β€œIt’s incredible. I’m beyond grateful.”

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