RBTC Student Revival Kickoff!

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β€œWelcome to the Rhema family!” said Lynette Hagin, Director of RBTC, as she greeted the student body Friday morning on September 9th. Her message to the students launched an upcoming week of Student Revival Services and Orientation Sessions. These services begin each school year and set the tone for the upcoming training and unique pathway that God has for them while in school.

Lynette shared precious advice she received early on in her ministry from Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin, her father-in-law and Founder of RBTC. At that time he said, β€œTake advantage of every learning experience. You may not think much of it at the time, but there is a possibility you may need it. So just absorb it . . . You may need it in the future.”

Focus for this Year

Addressing the first year students Lynette said, β€œYou may not know why you’re here but God has a plan and a purpose for your time here” (Jer. 29:11).

Then focusing on the returning students she said, β€œStay as enthused as you were when you first came!” (Rev. 2:4)

β€˜We should always be excited about the things of God. Circumstances are going to come to you to try to distract and deter you from God’s plan. Use this scripture, β€œBut none of these thing move me . . .” (Acts 20:24) to face them and get through them.’ Ms. Hagin expounded further on Acts 20:24 β€œBut none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.”

Instructing the students by the Holy Spirit she exhorted, β€œAbsorb everything God has for your life right now for He is doing a transformation in your heart as you attend school here.”

Prepared for Adversity

To find strength in their journey these next years the students should concentrate on the thought β€œGod has a plan for my life and I commit to follow it” (Jer. 29:11).

After sharing a personal testimony of receiving freedom from a plaguing fear through the power of God, she ministered to some of the students while giving instruction on how to receive from God over their individual situations.

Lastly, Lynette encouraged the students to practice saying, β€œNone of these things move me!” She admonished them to say it, write it down, and put it in their phone so when adverse circumstances come they will be prepared!

Watch more services: Streaming live September 12-15 at 10:30 AM CST and September 16, Friday at 9:30 AM CST on rhema.tv RBTC President Kenneth W. Hagin gives the charge to the students for the year ahead.

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