New Upgrades for Rhema School of Worship

agarciaNews & Events

It doesn’t take long for computers and software to become outdated. And such is the case for Rhema School of Worship. Gone are the days where you hand-write or transpose music on paper. Today this is done digitally. To maintain the caliber of music education that is needed in the 21st Century, it is imperative that RSW computers and software are regularly updated.

A special thanks to Rhema Word Partners and friends.

They made it possible for Rhema School of Worship to receive the necessary upgrades before the start of the 2017-2018 school year. Their financial gifts purchased 10 new Apple computers and software, enabling RSW to stay current in a digital music age.

β€œWe are grateful for the new computers and the opportunities they bring to learn aspects of music and technology necessary for music in today’s world,” expresses Rhema School of Worship instructor, Christine Lozinski.

Since the new software is cloud-based, students can access their assignments at home at their convenience.

Rhema Word Partners and friends, you truly are heroes. Thank you for your prayers and financial gifts. We are grateful for your partnership. Because of you, RSW students have access to the best technology that will train them to lead worship in today’s digital world.

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