Alumni Highlight: Germany

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Michael and Kandra Tamme

Hamburg, known as the city of bridges, is the second largest municipality in Germany. Like many European cities, most of Hamburg is β€œunchurched.” But RBTC alums Michael (’99, ’00) and Kandra (Williams ’98, ’99, ’00) Tamme are β€œbuilding bridges” to change that.

After graduating from RBTC, Michael and Kandra married. Following God’s call, they moved to Michael’s home country of Germany. They currently pull double-duty as campus coordinators/instructors for RBTC Hamburg and senior pastors of Lebendiges Wort International Christian Center.

As campus coordinators, the Tammes are responsible for overseeing the logistics for the campus, communicating with the students, and ensuring the curriculum stays within the guidelines of Rhema’s mandate.

As instructors, Michael and Kandra see firsthand how the students’ lives are transformed through the Word. From a student being healed of cancer to entire families being changed, the testimonies have poured in as the students grab hold of the message of faith. β€œThese students have never heard this. It’s a whole new way of thinking,” says Kandra. β€œYou see them come in class. They look at you, and they’re clueless. When you see the light go on, I can cry. They’re like, β€˜It works here, and in this area, and in this area!’ ”

β€œOnly the local church can really reach and change a nation. . .”
β€”Michael Tamme

The Tammes want to see the message of faith taught to all God’s people. Their goal is to build bridges between denominations and to develop connections with other pastors. One way they plan to do that is to help establish churches.

β€œOnly the local church can really reach and change a nation. We’re here to help strengthen the local church. The ultimate goal is to get people to pioneer more churches,” says Michael.

β€œAs the students get the word of faith,” Kandra adds, β€œthey will take it back and establish those churches. Then they train, coach, and multiply. It keeps going.”

The Tammes say the vision is not only for Germany but for other nations too, as many RBTC Hamburg students hail from the Middle East, Africa, and other European countries. They both agree much work needs to be done.

β€œWe want to equip and train people the same way Rhema has trained and equipped us,” says Kandra. β€œThe Word is too good to keep for yourself. You gotta give it away.”

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