Following God’s Plan: A New School Year for RBTC Students

agarciaNews & Events

September 5th-6th marks Registration Day for Rhema Bible Training College. Students pour in from across the globe to come to Broken Arrow, the biggest suburb of Tulsa, Oklahoma.

RBTC centers on teaching and training students in both the practical and spiritual sides of Christian service. From learning Bible history to writing sermon outlines, this college prepares them to take the Gospel all over the world, whether in their local church or another country.

Students also discover how to live an honorable life for God, full of the fruit of the Spirit. Student Revival, which happens every Tuesday, gives them the opportunity to worship God and pray out His plan for their lives. These sessions are streamed live on throughout the school year.

There are plenty of ways to connect with new friends and be a blessing here. At Rhema Bible Church, the home church of RBTC, students are encouraged to volunteer in kids and youth classrooms, the music department, broadcast media, and more!

The first day of class is September 18th. For every RBTC Event, check out our calendar.

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